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Six tips to becoming your horse’s leader

Six tips to becoming your horse’s leader Are you the leader or the follower? CHRISTINE ARMISHAW has some top tips…

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Feature: Clear lines of communication

Clear lines of communication The reins represent a line of communication between you and your horse, but what exactly are…

Let’s get educated

Let’s get educated Whether your goal is to work with horses professionally or simply expand your equine knowledge, there’s sure…

Social licence and the Five Domain Model

Social licence and the Five Domain Model  Following on from last month’s feature, we spoke to DR ANDREW McLEAN on…

Bristers Brief: Show jumping with a young horse

Show jumping with a young horse The first competition for a young horse can be quite stressful, for both you…

The all-important half halt

The all-important half halt   The half halt is like a comma in a sentence. If that thought intrigues you,…

There’s An Elephant In The Room­­

There’s An Elephant In The Room­­   Social licence to operate: What is it? What do we need to know?…

It’s All In The Transition

It’s all in the transition   Never underestimate the importance of transitions. NICOLE TOUGH explains how to get the best…

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Bits For The Breaker

Bits For The Breaker There’s much to consider as you begin acquainting your youngster with the feel and use of…

The Wonders of Warm Up: Nicole Tough explains the all-important warm up

The Wonders of Warm Up   The warm up is where we prepare the horse physically and mentally for the…

Horses behaving badly? Causes and treatments.

If a horse is misbehaving, there’s likely to be a very good reason for it. DR JENNIFER STEWART looks at…

Going Forward with Nicole Tough

What exactly do we mean when we say forward? National A Level dressage judge and trainer NICOLE TOUGH explains. One…

Why correct contact is critical with Nicole Tough

There’s more to the art of contact than you may think. National A Level dressage judge and trainer NICOLE TOUGH…

In the start box with Craig & Prue Barrett

Together, Craig and Prue Barrett have over 50 years’ eventing experience. CHRISTINE ARMISHAW asked them for some tips on starting…

Ready, set, halt

There’s no escaping it – the square halt is in every dressage test. If it’s been a thorn in your…

An independent seat with Nicole Tough

Honing your seat aid skills is not easy, but to be a good rider it’s essential. National A Level dressage…

From weaning to winning

Lucy Galovicova is an expert on bringing a mare back under saddle after foaling. She shares her knowledge with RACHEL…