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Become a Sponsor

Become a sponsor

“I would like to thank our sponsors who have helped equestrians take their skill level to the next level.

Sponsorship is available in multiple tiers to suit different budgets and desired involvement.”


Frequently asked questions

  1. The satisfaction of helping equestrians improve their skill set that wouldn’t otherwise be possible.
  2. The improvement of your reputation and positive brand association in the industry.
  3. Exposure and company promotion as a sponsor across our audience network.
  4. We have a rapidly growing community of engaged horse riders and owners, with potential reach across the equestrian community of 500k.
  5. Potential to increase leads and sales.

The skill set offered from our mentors and coaches is amazing, as such the value varies. The costs of coaching, mentoring, travel and accommodation form part of the value of the Mentorship.

At present we have a tiered approach to sponsorship of the mentoring program. These are Platinum, Gold and Silver.

Each tier offers recognition and activity at varying levels, and all helps contribute towards funding the prizes for mentees and associated costs in administering this community based program.

Meet our Sponsors