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Nicole Tough Dressage: Working with Crookedness

Like humans, horses have a dominant side that they prefer to use. The rider’s goal is to achieve suppleness on…

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Training Throughness with Nicole Tough

The concept of throughness can be a tricky one to grasp, but it should be the goal of all our…

Unpacking Impulsion with Nicole Tough

Unpacking impulsion, the fourth step on the Training Scale, is an easily misunderstood concept with multiple layers of complexity, writes…

Going Forward with Nicole Tough

What exactly do we mean when we say forward? National A Level dressage judge and trainer NICOLE TOUGH explains. One…

Why correct contact is critical with Nicole Tough

There’s more to the art of contact than you may think. National A Level dressage judge and trainer NICOLE TOUGH…

What judges look for with Nicole Tough

The Training Scale guides dressage judges from Preliminary to Grand Prix. National A Level dressage judge and trainer NICOLE TOUGH…

On the forehand with Nicole Tough

You’ve probably heard that expression countless times. Now top dressage rider NICOLE TOUGH goes deep into the detail. When we…

An independent seat with Nicole Tough

Honing your seat aid skills is not easy, but to be a good rider it’s essential. National A Level dressage…

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Nicole Tough on Self-Carriage

Self-carriage: what’s it all about? Top dressage rider NICOLE TOUGH explains what it is and how to achieve it. When…

Nicole Tough

Nicole Tough has been part of the Australian dressage scene for decades, and along the way she’s learned a lot,…

Dressage training tips with Nicole Tough

As the old saying goes: She may be small but she is mighty ™, and this saying definitely applies to…