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Coaching done different

Coaching done different Coaching has been turned on its head. With Ridely PRO you can now learn from the world’s…

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Social licence and the Five Domain Model

Social licence and the Five Domain Model  Following on from last month’s feature, we spoke to DR ANDREW McLEAN on…

The all-important half halt

The all-important half halt   The half halt is like a comma in a sentence. If that thought intrigues you,…

Showcasing Success

Showcasing Success   A recent show jumping showcase is just another example of how the careers of off the track…

Vital Vaccinations

Vaccinations are a vital part of you horse’s health care – and there’re many good reasons to keep them up…

Happy Feet

Happy Feet   As the seasons change, so do your horses hooves. DR JENNIFER STEWART discusses strategies to help your…

There’s An Elephant In The Room­­

There’s An Elephant In The Room­­   Social licence to operate: What is it? What do we need to know?…

Room to move

There’s plenty to please on this magnificent Wisemans Ferry Road property at Somersby in New South Wales.   At the…

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Illuminating The Path To Successful Breeding

Illuminating The Path To Successful Breeding The Power Of Light To Maximise Fertility Every mare owner knows there are many…

The Wonders of Warm Up: Nicole Tough explains the all-important warm up

The Wonders of Warm Up   The warm up is where we prepare the horse physically and mentally for the…

International roundup: 2023 Badminton and the Longines Global Champions Tour

May was a busy month on the international competition calendar. TANIA HUPPATZ reports on Badminton and the Longines Global Champions…

Arrowfield Stud: Your brilliant career

There are many who have turned their passion into a brilliant career at Arrowfield Stud – and now it’s your…

Selling Horses with Lizzie Wilson-Fellows

So, you’re going to sell? Selling your horse is often an emotional decision, but there’s more to it than that. REBECCA…

Luxury Equestrian Property: Eden Park Equine Estate

Located at 249 Mount Eliza Road, Riddells Creek, Victoria, this is the property dreams are made of. Picturesque Eden Park…

Building Confidence and Creating a more Confident Relationship with your Horse

It is not uncommon to experience a loss of confidence in the saddle.  For some people it can be a…

Manure Management and Organic Waste Recycling at Your Stable

With each horse producing on average 50 pounds of manure a day, and up to 10 tons a year, horse…

How To Choose The Perfect Horse Hound

Although dogs and horses have taken very different evolutionary paths, they have coexisted alongside humans for centuries due to domestication. While…