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HorseVibes May/June 2020


Welcome to the latest edition of HorseVibes. It‘s beautiful, of course, and naturally it’s packed with great content, plus some interesting little twists to keep you on your toes!  

Since our last editionthe very first obvious change in all our lives is the emergence of COVID-19. As a result ¯we‘ve been in lockdown, which hasn’t been easy for any of us. Life is different now, and we ™ll have to wait to see what the new normal is when we emerge on the other side of this dreadful pandemic. We do hope that you are all safe, well, and looking after yourselves, your loved ones and your equine companions.

Welcome to the latest edition of HorseVibes. It‘s beautiful, of course, and naturally it’s packed with great content, plus some interesting little twists to keep you on your toes!   Since…

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