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Listen to the latest episode of the Equestrian Hub Podcast

Georgia Davey (post sponsored by Filly & Co)

Like many of our Young Riders, Victorian-based 15-year-old Georgia Davey was riding before she could walk.

My love and passion for horses started the moment I sat on one, she says.

At the moment Georgia own two horses. I have a small riding pony show Galloway and his name is Charlie that stands at 14.1 and he is 11 years old. I also have a three-year-old OTT thoroughbred whose name is Marty and he stands at 15hh. I’ve owned Charlie for just over two years and I’ve only had Marty for about six months – he is going to be a project horse for me.

The two horses are very different, says Georgia, who has been so successful with her showing that all her riding attire is sponsored by Showgirl Equestrian.  Charlie is an open Galloway and has the most amazing floating trot. Whereas, Marty is a hunter and he has a big, bold trot. When Marty gets fed, he likes to grab his feed buckets and flick them in the air!

Georgia has big ambitions for Marty. I’m aiming him to qualify for Grand Nationals and Nationals next year, she says,  and I’m going to work hard to achieve that!  In the meantime Georgia is in Year 9 and although she hasn’t figured out what she wants to do when she leaves school she knows it will be horse-related.

Horses are my main passion as that’s what I do every day, she says. But when it’s not horse related, I enjoy going for runs. It keeps my fitness up for the horses and I also enjoy it.

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