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Read about Australia’s elite equestrians, inspirational rider stories, and discover valuable training tips, health articles and stay informed with the latest trends and equestrian hot topics.

Six tips to becoming your horse’s leader

Six tips to becoming your horse’s leader Are you the leader or the follower? CHRISTINE ARMISHAW has some top tips…

What we love – Fashion forward for summer

Fashion-forward for summer Floral, patterned or plain, freshen up your summer wardrobe with something special. Kastel Denmark’s best-selling signature cap…

Nutrition: Feeding for the discipline

Feeding for the discipline What does feeding for your discipline mean, and what should you be aware of? DR JENNIFER…

Life After Racing: All in the family

All in the family Wayne Crompton has a long history with Thoroughbreds. Now partnered with OTT Double Impact, the pair…

Nutrition: Hydration through the summer heat

Hydration through the summer heat As the weather warms up, keeping your horse adequately hydrated has to be front of…

Feature: On track for the World Championships

On track for the World Championships In an exciting first, Australia will be competing at the Icelandic Horse World Championships…