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Behind the Shot: Jenny Bray

One of Australia’s top equestrian photographers, MICHELLE TERLATO travels the world capturing equestrian athletes in action. Each month she shares one of her favourite shots. 

Rider: Jenny Bray 

Horse: CJP Diamond Dazzler 

Event: Boneo Classic, Australia Day 2020 

Location: Boneo Park 

Camera & Settings: Canon 7D Mark II, 300mm, ISO 400 f 5 1/640 sec. 

Challenges: It was a dark and gloomy day at Boneo Park when this shot was taken, so the ISO is a little higher than normal. When the light is poor, I find that getting in nice and close to the subject is often a better option. 

Why this shot is special: This horse, Diamond Dazzler, is just the most magnificent Warmblood. He has a huge solid neck and his copper colour shone despite the lack of sun on the day. I wanted to capture his size and strength but not from the usual side-on angle. When during the test they started trotting diagonally away from me I thought it looked promising, so I just kept shooting and it turned out to be perfect. I love the way it captures everything that is wonderful about dressage: the horse’s head and neck, his veins, his eye, the double bridle and bits, just a touch of the plaits, the ‘CJ’ brand, and even the rider number. And then there’s all the beautiful rider attire: the shiny top boots and spurs, the breeches, the gloves and the tails complete with diamond button, and just a glimpse of the saddle, the girth and the numnah. Yet it’s still anonymous, a snapshot in time. It really is one of my all time favourites, in fact I love it so much I have it framed on my wall at home. Hope you like it too! 

Michelle is available for event, commercial and private shoots. Visit Michelle Terlato Photography to see more of her stunning work