There are many things you need to consider before you buy and we’re here to make it easy for you. Below is a list of questions to ask yourself before you try and decide, this list is only a suggestion. Every horse and rider combination has a list of priorities that they must meet.
What style of saddle do you want?
We currently feature predominately dressage and jumping saddles on our website. As time goes on our range will increase. If you want a specific saddle, let us know and we will attempt to source one.
We carry predominately leather saddles.
Where are our saddles made?
We have, among others, saddles made in England, France, Germany, Switzerland and even Australia.
Do you want new or second hand?
There are advantages of both and it’s a question only you can decide. Second hand saddles can be problematic, often requiring adjustments by a fitter. This is also true of new saddles. Second hand or demo saddles are cheaper than new.
What size saddle do you need?
Gullet size depends on the size of your horse, all manufacturers measure gullets differently. We will measure any saddle you wish in a manner that suits you, or as prescribed by your fitter. We can also advise if a particular saddle can be adjusted.
The size of your saddle is dependent on the length of your leg and the length of your horses back. All fitters will tell you, and we concur, to fit the saddle to the horse first then to the rider. That’s why The Saddle Hub offers a 2 week trial period.
What sort of knee blocks do you need?
Ask your instructor about knee blocks, they can make you feel secure, but they can also put your legs into a position that does not work.
How much do you want to spend?
Our saddles range from $1,000 to $10,000.
So many things to consider. I think you should sit down and have nice cup of coffee and consider your options. Will that be latte or macchiato?