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International Charity Highlight: Prince Fluffy Kareem

Prince Fluffy Kareem (PFK) is a UK registered charity (Reg No. 1156400) which cares for horses, donkeys and camels that are working in Cairo, Egypt.

Kareem is the grey stallion who started it all. He was bought by Marte Kjoell, founder of PFK, in June 2011 and was extremely emaciated, suffering from equine babesiosis (a malaria-like parasitic disease) and on the brink of death.

At first he was just named Fluffy ™ due to his fluffy, wavy fur (he blocks the clipper in 5 seconds), but shortly after it was decided he would need a more official name; Kareem, with Prince ™ thrown in as a joke, as Egyptians love to call their horses and dogs names like Prince ™ and King ™.

The animals are used to take tourists around the Pyramids, as well as being used to deliver goods around the local area.

Since the uprising in 2011, tourists to Egypt have dwindled, which means that the owners of horses who rely on them for a living are doing it tough.

Combined with poverty, little knowledge about equines, widespread equine babesiosis and roughage being expensive in a desert country, the result is inadequate conditions for the working animals.

How does the team at Prince Fluffy Kareem help?

With their wonderful team of helpers, Prince Fluffy Kareem organises clinics that are held in cooperation with local vets, where horses, camels and donkeys get treated free of charge.

Various issues like colic, colds, babesiosis, saddle sores and other wounds, laminitis, and various joint and tendon injuries are addressed and owners are shown how to provide ongoing care at home. Hoof care and dental care is also available to the animals if necessary.

The worst cases, such as the horses with severe laminitis, acute babesiosis or jaundice, serious injuries or the very emaciated horses are taken in for fostering.

Fostering allows the horse to stay at the Prince Fluffy Kareem stables, where they eat, rest and get daily medical treatment, all free of charge. This provides a welcome relief for both horse and owner.

Cairo is very densely populated and most working class owners don’t have proper boxes or paddocks; horses are usually tied up if not ridden.

Fostering allows the horses to stay at the stable complex where they can stroll around, roll, eat and drink when they want. Meanwhile the owner doesn’t have to worry about expensive feed costs or the daunting responsibility it is to take care of a critically sick horse.

How can you help?

There are several ways you can assist the team, which include:

* Getting crafty and making fluffy nosebands and girth covers. These are given out free of charge to owners and prevent wounds on noses and tummies from chains and wires being used for tack and harness. You can find instructions on how to make them here: Fluffy Noseband Guide * Spread the word talk about them and spread awareness. Share their Facebook page and their website Prince Fluffy Kareem.

* Hold a fundraiser in their name. Many of their supporters have held cake stalls, run marathons, auctioned off used tack or their own drawings and paintings, and one eager fluffiteer even held a breakfast barbeque fundraiser in his office. * Donate what you can to their cause their website has a donate link so you can easily send them whatever you’re able to spare. Your help would be very much appreciated!

* Sponsor one of their fluffies! Sponsorship is approximately AU$43 per month (depending on currency exchange of Great British Pounds).  * More information can be found on their Facebook page.


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