Project Hope Horse Welfare Victoria began in 1973 when Val Collingwood of Victoria wrote into RIDER Magazine regarding the number of neglected horses in Australia.
She outlined how someone could coordinate the rescue and rehabilitation of these unfortunate animals, suggesting the name Project Hope in memory of a neglected, supposedly aged, buck-jumper from Queensland.
Unfortunately more than 40 years later, the need for helping neglected horses is still current.
Now known as Project Hope Horse Welfare Victoria (PHHWV: Project Hope), it is a non-profit organisation that seeks to help neglected or abused horses through rehabilitation, education, and advocacy.
Project Hope is managed by a committee which is elected annually by the membership at a scheduled general meeting. As a registered charity, it is Income Tax Exempt and donations over $2 are tax deductible.
PHHWV is run by volunteers and is funded though memberships, donations and fundraising.
What does Project Hope do?
Project hope is very active in Victoria and offers the following services to those who require them:
* Investigate equine neglect or abuse
* Offers advice and support to horse owners
* Rehabilitation of neglected horses
* Offer horses for lease once they are healthy
* Provide education about horse welfare.
Want to become a member or know more about this wonderful organisation? Why not add them on Facebook or view their website.
Or read about some of their amazing rehabilitation stories like Ben.