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Delivering Dreams: Testimonial

One of our 2020 Delivering Dreams Winner Luke Purtill is making big strides and with the help of the winning prize pool was able to train with coach Tanya Mitton, an internationally known foundation coach who focuses her training on the rider.

Darwin-based Luke Purtill is a 20-year-old dressage rider who also has a disability and has had many health problems, but he doesn’t let that hold him back. Riding in Prelim, Luke usually scores in the low to mid-60s. Besides competing in mainstream dressage, Luke has joined the Special Olympics in Queensland and has to fly to Brisbane to train and compete.

Robyn and Luke with Scotty. Image from Tanja Mitton Equestrian Success And Mindset

Lukes mum Robyn told us about Lukes progress and training, and we cannot wait to see what the future holds.

What a surprise it was when Luke Purtill jointly won the 2020/21 Delivering Dreams Scholarship put together by Equestrian Hub.  One of the most amazing things the Equestrian Hub Team did for Luke was to introduce him to Tanja Mitton from Tanja Mitton Equestrian Success Mindset.

Living in the Northern Territory and with Tanja in Queensland, remote lessons were organized and despite our initial skepticism, we are delighted with not only how easy it is to have lessons from home, but more importantly how amazing Tanja’s lessons are!

Luke has had several surgeries to correct severe scoliosis and although his mobility has been significantly improved, Luke struggles to obtain and maintain his position when riding. Tanja has worked with Luke and taught him to not only feel when he is unbalanced or incorrectly positioned but how to correct himself. The improvement in Luke’s riding and in the more forward and responsive movement of his horses is nothing short of astounding.

Tanja hasn’t just worked with Luke’s body though! Through her mindfulness program, Tanja has enabled Luke to be far more confident with his riding, his horse husbandry knowledge and his general wellbeing.

In March 2021, we were able to spend a week with Tanja at her property in West Woombye where Luke had daily sessions. This intensive week was an amazing opportunity to “put it all together” for Luke.

At the end of the week Tanja supported Luke competing in the Special Olympics Equestrian State Championships where we are delighted to say, Luke bought home 2 gold medals. Tanja’s confidence inspiring guidance and practical support most certainly were a vital part of Luke being so successful at the Games.

We are very glad to have Tanja in our life and look forward to lots more lessons to come!

To apply for the Delivering Dreams Sponsorship visit our website here.

For more information about Tanya visit her website www.tanjamitton.com