When should you give up? Is there a point during training when you’d be better off admitting temporary defeat and…
Read MoreCategory: Reader’s Stories
A life less ordinary
A life less ordinary Dr Jennifer Stewart studied hard to become a veterinarian, and her career has taken her down…
Around the Traps May/June
See what the Equestrian Hub community did during past few months! Click the image to see information about the rider…
Around the Traps – March / April 2021
See what the HorseVibes community did during past few months!
Around the traps – January / February 2021
See what the HorseVibes community did during past few months! Nicole Marheine and Triple A Comet scoop 1st place…
Healing comes naturally
A practising equine herbalist for 25 years, VICTORIA FERGUSON has been instrumental in the healing of many injured and sick…
Hercules & Susi’s extraordinary journey
When a gangly young Warmblood came trotting into horse trainer Susi May’s life nine months ago, little did she know…