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What we love – Grooming goodies

Grooming goodies

Designed to make your life just that little bit easier, now’s the time to add some of these goodies to your grooming kit.

Hairy Pony’s wool brush is perfect for last minute ring-side touch ups. Super-soft and designed to pick up fine dust particles, the wool inner pad ensures a sleek, shiny, dust-free finish. Easy to clean and hard wearing, it’s perfect for sensitive horses.

Get braiding faster with this new 2-in-1 Braiding Comb that cleverly doubles as a hair clip. Use the comb to organise the mane or tail, then turn it around to clip unwanted hair out of your way, giving you the room to create that perfect braid.

These Hindquarter Marker Patterns are pre-marked stencils that will help you to create professional looking hindquarter patterns. Simply spray the hair on your horse’s rump, brush in the direction of the coat, set the hindquarter marker pattern in place, and then brush the coat downwards.

Shear Magic Rocket battery operated clippers are the perfect touch up trimmers. Ultra lightweight, ergonomic and with an easy-grip handle and powerful rotary motor, they outshine other trimmers in their class. Battery powered by two AA batteries (not included).

For the practically minded rider, these Genie Brushes are a must have. Combining a brush, plait aid and elastics in one easy to carry container, you’ll never be without plaiting equipment when you need it. With its easy to open and close storage compartment, what’s not to love.

The Hairy Pony brush kit is a must-have. It includes four bespoke, brushes all neatly stowed away in a gift bag. The brushes are hand crafted from beechwood and include features such as padded leather handles, natural fibre bristles, and synthetic bristles.

Hairy Pony Brush Kit from Trailrace
Genie Brush with Comb & Bands from Greg Grant Saddlery
Shear Magic Rocket Battery Operated Clippers 4500 from The Vet Shed
Hindquarter Marker Patterns from Ashbree Saddlery
Braiding Comb with Clip from the Horses Warehouse
Hairy Pony Wool Brush from Trailrace